
Filter to determine which AppInstance records are returned.

Input Fields

account (AccountReferenceFilter)

Filter on Account.

appOffering (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on App offering.

appOfferingReference (StringFilter)

Filter on App offering reference.

createdAt (DateTimeFilter)

Created in supplied range.

customFilters ([AppInstanceCustomFilter!])

One or more filters on the values of custom fields.

customerAccount (AccountReferenceFilter)

Filter on Customer account.

customerRepresentative (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Customer representative.

disabled (Boolean)

Include only if Disabled matches supplied value.

enabledByCustomer (Boolean)

Include only if Enabled by customer matches supplied value.

id (IDFilter)

Filter on node ID.

query (String)

Free format search query

serviceInstance (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Service instance.

suspended (Boolean)

Include only if Suspended matches supplied value.

updatedAt (DateTimeFilter)

Updated in supplied range.