configurationItemUpdate Mutation

Updates an existing configuration item.

Input Argument

configurationItemUpdate accepts a single input argument, an input type, which contains the values it uses.

The fields inside input are:

alternateNames ([String!])

Alternate names the configuration item is also known by.

assetID (String)

Asset identifier of the configuration item.

ciRelationsToDelete ([ID!])

Identifiers of relations other configuration items to remove from the configuration item.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

contractIds ([ID!])

Identifiers of the contracts of this configuration item.

customFields ([CustomFieldInput!])

Values for custom fields to be used by the UI Extension that is linked to the record.

customFieldsAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the custom fields' values.

endOfSupportDate (ISO8601Date)

The date at which the support for this configuration item ends.

financialOwnerId (ID)

Identifier of the internal organization which budget is used to pay for the configuration item. If the CI is leased or rented, the organization that pays the lease or rent is selected in this field. When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the financial owner of the CI's product.

id (ID!)

The node ID of the record to update.

inUseSince (ISO8601Date)

The date on which the expense for the configuration item (CI) was incurred or, if the CI is depreciated over time, the date on which the depreciation was started. This is typically the invoice date.

label (String)

The label that is attached to the configuration item (CI). A label is automatically generated using the same prefix of other CIs of the same product category, followed by the next available number as the suffix.

lastSeenAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the configuration item was last seen.

licenseExpiryDate (ISO8601Date)

The date through which the temporary software license certificate is valid. The license certificate expires at the end of this day.

licenseType (CiLicenseType)

The type of license that the license certificate covers.

licensedSiteIds ([ID!])

Identifiers of the sites at which the software that is covered by the license certificate may be used.

location (String)

The name or number of the room in which the CI is located, if it concerns a hardware CI.

name (String)

The name of the configuration item (CI). When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the name of the CI's product.

newCiRelations ([CiRelationInput!])

Relations to other configuration items.

nrOfCores (Int)

The total number of processor cores that are installed in the server.

nrOfLicenses (Int)

The number of licenses that the license certificate covers.

nrOfProcessors (Int)

The number of processors that are installed in the server.

operatingSystemId (ID)

Identifier of the (software) configuration item representing the operating system of this configuration item.

pictureUri (String)

The hyperlink to the image file for the record.

productId (ID)

Identifier of the related product.

purchaseValue (MonetaryAmount)

The amount that was paid for the configuration item (this is normally equal to the invoice amount).

purchaseValueCurrency (Currency)

The currency of the purchase value attributed to this configuration item.

ramAmount (Decimal)

The amount of RAM (in GB) of this configuration item.

recurrence (RecurrenceInput)

Recurrence for maintenance of the configuration item.

remarks (String)

Any additional information about the configuration item that might prove useful. When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the remarks of the CI's product.

remarksAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the remarks field.

ruleSet (ProductCategoryRuleSet)

The Rule set field is automatically set to the rule set of product category, except when the CI is a license certificate, in which case the rule set is license_certificate.

serialNr (String)

Serial number of the configuration item. The concatenation of product's' brand and serialNr must be unique within a 4me account.

serviceId (ID)

Which service instance(s) the configuration item is, or will be, a part of. When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the service of the CI's product.

serviceInstanceIds ([ID!])

Identifiers of the service instances of this configuration item.

siteId (ID)

Where the CI is located, if it concerns a hardware CI.

siteLicense (Boolean)

true for license certificates that may only be used at one or more specific locations.

source (String)

An identifier for the client application submitting the resource or the name of an external system.

sourceID (String)

The unique identifier of the resource in an external system.

status (CiStatus)

The appropriate status for the configuration item (CI).

supplierId (ID)

Identifier of the supplier from which the configuration item (CI) has been obtained. When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the supplier of the CI's product.

supportTeamId (ID)

Identifier of the team responsible for supporting the configuration item and maintaining its information in the configuration management database (CMDB). When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the support team of the CI's product. Optional when status of CI equals "Removed", required otherwise.

systemID (String)

System identifier of the configuration item.

temporaryLicense (Boolean)

true for license certificates that are not valid indefinitely.

userIds ([ID!])

Identifiers of the users of this configuration item.

warrantyExpiryDate (ISO8601Date)

The date through which the warranty coverage for the configuration item is valid. The warranty expires at the end of this day.

workflowManagerId (ID)

The person who will be responsible for coordinating the workflows that will be generated automatically in accordance with the recurrence schedule.

workflowTemplateId (ID)

The workflow template that is used to periodically maintain the configuration item.

Return Fields

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

configurationItem (ConfigurationItem)

Record after mutation.

errors ([ValidationError!])

Errors encountered during the mutation.