shortUrlUpdate Mutation

Updates an existing short URL.

Input Argument

shortUrlUpdate accepts a single input argument, an input type, which contains the values it uses.

The fields inside input are:

ciId (ID)

Identifier of the CI for which a request is to be registered in 4me Self Service when the short URL is used.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

dashboardId (ID)

Identifier of the dashboard which is to be opened when the short URL is used.

email (ShortUrlEmailInput)

Values for email that is to be generated when the short URL is used.

geo (ShortUrlGeoInput)

Coordinates of the location for which a map should be opened when the short URL is used.

id (ID!)

The node ID of the record to update.

knowledgeArticleId (ID)

Identifier of the knowledge article which instructions need to be displayed when the short URL is used in 4me Self Service.

mapAddress (String)

The address (or only the city or country) for which a map should be opened when the short URL is used.

plainText (String)

The Plain text field is used to enter the text that should be displayed when the short URL is used.

requestTemplateId (ID)

The identifier of the request template that is to be applied to each new request that is opened when in 4me Self Service when the short URL is used.

skypeName (String)

The Skype name that is to be called when the short URL is used.

sms (ShortUrlSmsInput)

Values for the SMS message that is to be generated when the short URL is used.

tel (String)

The telephone number that is to be called when the short URL is used.

tweet (String)

The Twitter tweet that is to be generated when the short URL is used.

twitterName (String)

The name of the Twitter user whose Twitter feed is to be opened when the short URL is used.

uri (String)

The uniform resource identifier (URI) to which the short URL is forwarded.

websiteUrl (String)

The uniform resource locator of a website to which the short URL is to forward when it is used.

Return Fields

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

errors ([ValidationError!])

Errors encountered during the mutation.

shortUrl (ShortUrl)

Record after mutation.