appOfferingCreate Mutation

Creates a new app offering.

Input Argument

appOfferingCreate accepts a single input argument, an input type, which contains the values it uses.

The fields inside input are:

cardDescription (String)

Short description of the app offering to be shown on the card in the App store.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

compliance (String)

Compliance description of the app offering.

configurationUriTemplate (String)

The URI where the app can be configured. The placeholder {account} can be used to include the customer account id in the URI.

description (String)

Description of the app offering.

descriptionAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the description field.

disabled (Boolean)

Whether the app offering may not be used for new instances.

features (String)

Feature description of the app offering.

name (String!)

Name of the app offering.

newScopes ([AppOfferingScopeInput!])

Scopes of this app offering

oauthAuthorizationEndpoints ([String!])

The endpoints for the OAuth application that will be created for this app to use in the Authorization Code Grant flow.

pictureUri (String)

The hyperlink to the image file for the record.

policyJwtAlg (WebhookPolicyJwtAlg)

The algorithm used for generating the policy for the app offering's webhook.

policyJwtAudience (String)

The audience for the policy for the app offering's webhook.

policyJwtClaimExpiresIn (Int)

The claim expiry time for the policy for the app offering's webhook.

reference (String)

This reference can be used to link the app offering to an instance using the 4me APIs or the 4me Import functionality.

requiresEnabledOauthPerson (Boolean)

This app requires an enabled OAuth person.

serviceInstanceId (ID!)

Identifier of the the service instance this app offering is linked to.

source (String)

An identifier for the client application submitting the resource or the name of an external system.

sourceID (String)

The unique identifier of the resource in an external system.

uiExtensionId (ID)

UI extension that is to be applied to the record.

uiExtensionVersionId (ID)

Identifier of the UI extension version that is linked to the app offering.

webhookUriTemplate (String)

The URI for the app offering's webhook. The placeholder {account} can be used to include the customer account id in the URI.

Return Fields

appOffering (AppOffering)

Record after mutation.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

errors ([ValidationError!])

Errors encountered during the mutation.