ShopOrderLine Object

Root Connection

All ShopOrderLine objects of an account are accessible by a query on the root connection shopOrderLines. Such a query will return a ShopOrderLineConnection!, which contains the ShopOrderLine objects in its nodes field.

shopOrderLines (ShopOrderLineConnection!)

Root connection for retrieving ShopOrderLine records.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

filter ShopOrderLineFilter

Filter to determine which ShopOrderLine records are returned.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

order [ShopOrderLineOrder!]

Order of the ShopOrderLine records returned.

view ShopOrderLineView

View name.

The default value is current_account.


The fields in this section list which values can be retrieved when querying ShopOrderLine records.

account (Account)

The account this record belongs to.

completedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

Automatically set to the date and time at which the shop order line is saved with the status "Completed".

createdAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the record was created.

customFields ([CustomField!])

Values of custom fields.

fulfillmentRequest (Request)

The fulfillment request that is assigned to the provider to fulfil this shop order line.

fulfillmentTask (Task)

The fulfillment task of the purchase workflow generated to fulfil this shop order line.

fulfillmentTemplate (RequestTemplate)

The request template used to order one of more units of this shop article.

id (ID!)

Unique identifier of the record.

name (String)

The name of the shop article.

order (Request)

The request for purchase that includes this shop order line.

orderedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

After this moment the shop article is no longer available in the shop.

price (MonetaryAmount)

The price of a single unit.

priceCurrency (Currency)

The currency of the price of this shop article.

providerOrderLine (ProviderShopOrderLine)

Information from the provider.

quantity (Int)

The number units ordered.

recurringPeriod (ShopArticleRecurringPeriod)

The frequency in which the recurring price is due.

recurringPrice (MonetaryAmount)

The recurring price of a single unit.

recurringPriceCurrency (Currency)

The currency of the recurring price of this shop article.

requestedBy (Person)

The person creating the shop order line.

requestedFor (Person)

The person for whom the shop order line was submitted.

shopArticle (ShopArticle)

The shop article that is ordered.

source (String)

An identifier for the client application submitting the resource or the name of an external system.

sourceID (String)

The unique identifier of the resource in an external system.

status (ShopOrderLineStatus)

The status of the shop order line.

totalPrice (MonetaryAmount)

The total price of a all units.

totalRecurringPrice (MonetaryAmount)

The recurring price of a all units.

updatedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time of the last update of the record. If the record has no updates it contains the createdAt value.


The connection fields in this section allow (paged) access to objects related to a specific ShopOrderLine record. The actual objects will be in the nodes field of the connection.

addresses (AddressConnection)

Addresses of the record.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

customFieldsAttachments (AttachmentConnection)

Inline images linked to one of the custom fields.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.


ShopOrderLine implements the following interfaces. This means that fragments defined on these interfaces may be used in queries returning a ShopOrderLine.