
Filter the Tasks by their custom fields that have been marked as ‘Filterable’ in their UI Extension.

Input Fields

name (String!)

The name of the custom filter (i.e. value of the data-filterable-name attribute of the field in the UI Extension).

negate (Boolean)

Whether to return records not matching the given values. (This is not supported on "date" and "date-time" fields.)

values ([String]!)

Array of values to filter on, a record matches if its field value matches one of the given values.

Use value null to indicate "None".

For "text" fields:

  • One can start the value with ~ to get partial matches (start with '~ to match on a value starting with ~).

For "number" and "time" fields:

  • One can start the value with <, >, <=, >= to get relative matches.
  • Times should be formatted as HH:mm:ss (e.g. 16:00:00). The seconds part, :ss, is optional so 16:00 is also valid.
  • >{lower}<{upper} can be used to get matches where the value is more than '{lower}' and less than '{upper}'.
  • >={lower}<={upper} can be used to get matches where the value is between '{lower}' and '{upper}'.
  • >={lower}<{upper} can be used to get matches where the value is at least '{lower}' and less than '{upper}'.

For "date" and "date-time" fields:

  • One must supply a single value (and null is not supported).
  • Matches are always relative with an optional upper bound.
  • Dates should be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd (e.g. 2020-05-20).
  • Date and time should be formatted as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (e.g. 2020-05-20T16:00:00Z).
  • >={lower} should be used to get matches where the value is at least '{lower}'.
  • >={lower}<{upper} can be used to get matches where the value is at least '{lower}' and before '{upper}'.

For "select" fields:

  • One must supply labels to match in the language of the account (i.e. not the value attributes of the HTML options).
  • Matches are case-sensitive.