firstLineSupportAgreementUpdate Mutation

Updates an existing first line support agreement.

Input Argument

firstLineSupportAgreementUpdate accepts a single input argument, an input type, which contains the values it uses.

The fields inside input are:

charges (String)

The amounts that the customer will be charged for the first line support agreement. These can be recurring as well as one-off charges.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

customerId (ID)

Identifier of the organization that pays for the first line support agreement.

customerRepresentativeId (ID)

Identifier of the customer representative.

expiryDate (ISO8601Date)

The date through which the first line support agreement (FLSA) will be active. The FLSA expires at the end of this day if it is not renewed before then. When the FLSA has expired, its status will automatically be set to "Expired".

firstCallResolutions (Int)

The minimum percentage of requests that are to be completed by the service desk team during their registration.

id (ID!)

The node ID of the record to update.

name (String)

The name of the first line support agreement.

noticeDate (ISO8601Date)

The last day on which the first line support provider organization can still be contacted to terminate the first line support agreement (FLSA) to ensure that it expires on the intended expiry date. The Notice date field is left empty, and the Expiry date field is filled out, when the FLSA is to expire on a specific date and no notice needs to be given to terminate it.

pickupTarget (Int)

The number of minutes within which a new or existing request that has been assigned to the service desk team is assigned to a specific member within the service desk team, is assigned to another team, or is set to a status other than assigned.

pickupsWithinTarget (Int)

The minimum percentage of requests that are to be picked up by the service desk team within the pickup target.

providerId (ID)

Identifier of the organization that provides the first line support agreement.

rejectedSolutions (Int)

The maximum percentage of requests that were reopened (i.e. which status in the account that is covered by the first line support agreement was updated from completed to another status).

remarks (String)

Any additional information about the first line support agreement that might prove useful.

remarksAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the remarks field.

serviceDeskOnlyResolutions (Int)

The minimum percentage of requests that are to be completed by the service desk team without having been assigned to any other team within the account that is covered by the first line support agreement.

serviceDeskResolutions (Int)

The minimum percentage of requests that are to be completed by the service desk team.

serviceDeskTeamId (ID)

Identifier of the specific team within the first line support provider organization that provides first line support for the users covered by the first line support agreement.

source (String)

An identifier for the client application submitting the resource or the name of an external system.

sourceID (String)

The unique identifier of the resource in an external system.

startDate (ISO8601Date)

The first day during which the first line support agreement (FLSA) is active.

status (AgreementStatus)

The current status of the first line support agreement (FLSA).

supportChatPickupTarget (Int)

The number of minutes within which a new or existing chat request that has been assigned to the service desk team is assigned to a specific member within the service desk team, is assigned to another team, or is set to a status other than assigned.

supportHoursId (ID)

Identifier of the calendar that defines the support hours during which the service desk team can be contacted for first line support.

targetDetails (String)

A description of all the targets of the first line support agreement.

timeZone (TimeZone)

The time zone that applies to the start, notice and expiry dates, and to the support hours.

Return Fields

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

errors ([ValidationError!])

Errors encountered during the mutation.

firstLineSupportAgreement (FirstLineSupportAgreement)

Record after mutation.