invoiceUpdate Mutation

Updates an existing invoice.

Input Argument

invoiceUpdate accepts a single input argument, an input type, which contains the values it uses.

The fields inside input are:

amortizationEnd (ISO8601Date)

The end date of the period over which the invoice is to be amortized.

amortizationStart (ISO8601Date)

The start date of the period over which the invoice is to be amortized.

amortize (Boolean)

Whether the invoice amount is to be amortized over time.

ciIds ([ID!])

The configuration items linked to this invoice.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

contractId (ID)

The contract linked to this invoice.

currency (Currency)

Currency of the amount value of the invoice.

depreciationMethod (ProductDepreciationMethod)

Used to specify whether or not configuration items that are linked to this invoice are depreciated and if so, which depreciation method is to be applied. Valid values are:

  • not_depreciated: Not Depreciated
  • double_declining_balance: Double Declining Balance
  • reducing_balance: Reducing Balance (or Diminishing Value)
  • straight_line: Straight Line (or Prime Cost)
  • sum_of_the_years_digits: Sum of the Year's Digits
depreciationStart (ISO8601Date)

The date on which to start depreciating the asset.

description (String)

Short description of what was acquired.

financialID (String)

The unique identifier by which the invoice is known in the financial system.

flsaId (ID)

The first line support agreement linked to this invoice.

id (ID!)

The node ID of the record to update.

invoiceDate (ISO8601Date)

The date on which the invoice was sent out by the supplier.

invoiceNr (String)

The invoice number that the supplier specified on the invoice.

poNr (String)

Number of the purchase order that was used to order the (lease of the) configuration item from the supplier.

projectId (ID)

The project linked to this invoice.

quantity (Decimal)

The number of units that were acquired.

rate (Int)

Used to specify the yearly rate that should be applied to calculate the depreciation of the configuration item (CI) using the reducing balance (or diminishing value) method. When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the rate of the CI's product.

remarks (String)

Any additional information about the invoice that might prove useful.

remarksAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the remarks field.

salvageValue (MonetaryAmount)

The value of this configuration item at the end of its useful life (i.e. at the end of its depreciation period). When a value is not specified for this field, it is set to zero.

salvageValueCurrency (Currency)

The currency of the salvage value attributed to this configuration item.

serviceId (ID)

The service that covers this invoice. Can only be set when the invoice is linked to a contract or configuration items.

slaId (ID)

The service level agreement linked to this invoice.

source (String)

An identifier for the client application submitting the resource or the name of an external system.

sourceID (String)

The unique identifier of the resource in an external system.

supplierId (ID)

Identifier of the organization from which the invoice was received.

unitPrice (MonetaryAmount)

The amount that the supplier has charged per unit that was acquired.

usefulLife (Int)

The number of years within which the configuration item is to be depreciated. When creating a new CI and a value is not specified for this field, it is set to the useful life of the CI's product.

workflowId (ID)

The workflow linked to this invoice.

Return Fields

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

errors ([ValidationError!])

Errors encountered during the mutation.

invoice (Invoice)

Record after mutation.