requestCreate Mutation

Creates a new request.

Input Argument

requestCreate accepts a single input argument, an input type, which contains the values it uses.

The fields inside input are:

addressed (Boolean)

Default: false — When the Satisfaction field of the request is set to 'Dissatisfied', a person who has the Service Desk Manager role, can check the Addressed box to indicate that the requester has been conciliated.

agileBoardColumnId (ID)

ID of the column this item is placed in.

agileBoardColumnPosition (Int)

The (one based) position of this item in its column.

agileBoardId (ID)

ID of the board this item is placed on.

category (RequestCategory)

The Category field is used to select the category of the request.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

completionReason (RequestCompletionReason)

The appropriate completion reason for the request when it has been completed.

configurationItemIds ([ID!])

Identifiers of the configuration items to relate to the request. When this field is used to update an existing request, all configuration items that were linked to this request will be replaced by the supplied configuration items.

customFields ([CustomFieldInput!])

Values for custom fields to be used by the UI Extension that is linked to the record.

customFieldsAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the custom fields' values.

desiredCompletionAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time that has been agreed on for the completion of the request. The desired completion overwrites the automatically calculated resolution target of any affected SLA that is related to the request when the desired completion is later than the affected SLA's resolution target. By default, the person selected in the Requested by field receives a notification based on the 'Desired Completion Set for Request' email template whenever the value in the Desired completion field is set, updated or removed.

downtimeEndAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

Used to specify the actual date and time at which the service became available again.

downtimeStartAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

Used to specify the actual date and time at which the service outage started.

groupedIntoId (ID)

ID of the request group that is used to group the requests that have been submitted for the resolution of exactly the same incident, for the implementation of exactly the same change, for the provision of exactly the same information, etc.

impact (RequestImpact)

Used to select the extent to which the service instance is impacted.

internalNote (String)

Used to provide information that is visible only for people who have the Auditor, Specialist or Account Administrator role of the account for which the internal note is intended. The X-4me-Account header sent determines the account.

internalNoteAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the internalNote field.

knowledgeArticleId (ID)

Latest knowledge article applied to the request.

knowledgeArticleIds ([ID!])

Knowledge articles applied to the request.

majorIncidentStatus (RequestMajorIncidentStatus)

Used to indicate the status in the major incident management process.

memberId (ID)

ID of the person to whom the request is to be assigned.

newTags ([TagInput!])

Tags to be added to the request.

newWatches ([WatchInput!])

New or updated watches.

note (String)

Any additional information that could prove useful for resolving the request and/or to provide a summary of the actions that have been taken since the last entry.

noteAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the note field.

problemId (ID)

ID of problem to link request to.

productBacklogEstimate (Int)

Estimate of the relative size of this item on the product backlog.

productBacklogId (ID)

Identifier of the product backlog this item is placed on.

productBacklogPosition (Int)

The (one based) position of this item on the backlog.

projectId (ID)

ID of project to link request to.

providerNotAccountable (Boolean)

Default: false — Whether the provider currently indicates not to be accountable.

requestedById (ID)

ID of the person who submitted the request. Defaults to the Requested for field if its value was explicitely provided, otherwise it defaults to the current authenticated person

requestedForId (ID)

ID of the person for whom the request was submitted. The person selected in the Requested by field is automatically selected in this field, but another person can be selected if the request is submitted for another person.

reviewed (Boolean)

Default: false — A request can be marked as reviewed by the problem manager of the service of the service instance that is linked to the request. Marking a request as reviewed excludes it from the 'Requests for Problem Identification' view.

serviceInstanceId (ID)

ID of the service instance in which the cause of the incident resides, for which the change is requested, or about which information is needed.

source (String)

An identifier for the client application submitting the resource or the name of an external system.

sourceID (String)

The unique identifier of the resource in an external system.

status (RequestStatus)

Default: assigned — Used to select the current status of the request.

subject (String)

A short description of the request.

supplierId (ID)

ID of the supplier organization that has been asked to assist with the request. The supplier organization is automatically selected in this field after a service instance has been selected that is provided by an external service provider organization.

supplierRequestID (String)

The identifier under which the request has been registered at the supplier organization. If the supplier provided a link to the request, enter the entire URL in this field.

supportDomain (String)

Used to specify the support domain account ID in which the request is to be registered. This parameter needs to be specified when the current user's Person record is registered in a directory account. The ID of a 4me account can be found in the 'Account Overview' section of the Settings console.

teamId (ID)

ID of the team to which the request is to be assigned. By default, the first line team of the service instance that is related to the request will be selected. If a first line team has not been specified for the service instance, the support team of the service instance will be selected instead.

templateId (ID)

ID of the request template to apply to the request.

timeSpent (Int)

The time that you have spent working on the request since you started to work on it or, if you already entered some time for this request, since you last added your time spent in it.

timeSpentEffortClassId (ID)

The effort class that best reflects the type of effort for which time spent is being registered.

urgent (Boolean)

Setting to true marks request as urgent.

waitingUntil (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the status of the request is to be updated from waiting_for to assigned. This field is available only when the Status field is set to waiting_for.

workflowId (ID)

ID of workflow to link request to.

Return Fields

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

errors ([ValidationError!])

Errors encountered during the mutation.

request (Request)

Record after mutation.