webhookUpdate Mutation

Updates an existing webhook.

Input Argument

webhookUpdate accepts a single input argument, an input type, which contains the values it uses.

The fields inside input are:

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

description (String)

Description of the webhook's purpose.

descriptionAttachments ([AttachmentInput!])

The attachments used in the description field.

disabled (Boolean)

Whether the webhook will be triggered when the event occurs.

event (WebhookEvent)

Event that will trigger this webhook.

id (ID!)

The node ID of the record to update.

mailExceptionsTo (String)

Comma separated list of email addresses who will be informed when the webhook execution fails.

name (String)

Name of this webhook. Defaults to the event name.

uri (String)

Publicly accessible URI that 4me can use to POST http messages to.

webhookPolicyId (ID)

The webhook policy to use for cryptographic signing of the messages.

Return Fields

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

errors ([ValidationError!])

Errors encountered during the mutation.

webhook (Webhook)

Record after mutation.