AffectedSla Object

Root Connection

All AffectedSla objects of an account are accessible by a query on the root connection affectedSlas. Such a query will return a AffectedSlaConnection!, which contains the AffectedSla objects in its nodes field.

affectedSlas (AffectedSlaConnection!)

Root connection for retrieving AffectedSla records.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

filter AffectedSlaFilter

Filter to determine which AffectedSla records are returned.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

order [AffectedSlaOrder!]

Order of the AffectedSla records returned.

view AffectedSlaView

View name.

The default value is current_account.


The fields in this section list which values can be retrieved when querying AffectedSla records.

accountability (AffectedSlaAccountability)

The Accountability field is set to provider when the service instance of the affected SLA is the same as the service instance of the request to which the affected SLA is linked. It is set to supplier when the service instance of the request is situated lower in the service hierarchy than the service instance of the affected SLA. It is set to sla_not_affected when the provider of the service instance that is linked to the affected SLA no longer has a responsibility for completing the request.

actualResolutionAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The current date and time is filled out in the Actual resolution field when the status of the request has been set to "Completed"

actualResolutionDuration (Int)

The Actual resolution duration field value is automatically calculated using the date and time in the Started field, the date and time in the Actual resolution field, and the calendar selected in the Support hours field of the affected SLA.

actualResponseAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The Actual response field is empty when the service instance (SI) that is selected in the request is the same as the related SI, and the request has not yet been saved with one of the following status values since this SI was linked to it:

actualResponseDuration (Int)

The Actual response duration field value is automatically calculated using the date and time in the Started field, the date and time in the Actual response field, and the calendar selected in the Support hours field of the affected SLA.

createdAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the affected SLA was created.

desiredCompletionAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The Desired completion field is the desired completion of the request that the affected SLA is linked to.

downtimeDuration (Int)

The Downtime duration field value is automatically calculated using the date and time in the Downtime start field, the date and time in the Downtime end field, and the calendar selected in the Service hours field of the affected SLA.

downtimeEndAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The Downtime end field is automatically set to the value in the Downtime end field of the request to which the affected SLA is linked.

downtimeStartAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The Downtime start field is automatically set to the value in the Downtime start field of the request to which the affected SLA is linked.

firstLineTeam (Team)

The First line team field is automatically set to the team that, at the time the affected SLA was created, was selected in the First line team field of the related service instance.

id (ID!)

Unique identifier of the object.

impact (RequestImpact)

The Impact field is automatically set to the impact selected in the request, provided that the service instance (SI) that is selected in the request is the same as the related SI.

maximumResolutionDuration (Int)

The Maximum resolution duration field is automatically set to the value that was specified, at the time the impact level was assigned to the affected SLA, in the Resolution target field for this impact level in the service offering of the related service level agreement.

maximumResolutionDurationInDays (Int)

The Maximum resolution duration in days field is automatically set to the value that was specified, at the time the impact level was assigned to the affected SLA, in the Resolution target in days field for this impact level in the service offering of the related service level agreement.

maximumResponseDuration (Int)

The Maximum response duration field is automatically set to the value that was specified, at the time the impact level was assigned to the affected SLA, in the Response target field for this impact level in the service offering of the related service level agreement.

maximumResponseDurationInDays (Int)

The Maximum response duration in days field is automatically set to the value that was specified, at the time the impact level was assigned to the affected SLA, in the Response target in days field for this impact level in the service offering of the related service level agreement.

nextTargetAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The Next target field value is empty when the Accountability field is set to sla_not_affected or when the Actual resolution field contains a value. It is set to clock_stopped when the clock has been stopped for the affected SLA. The next target equals the response target when a response target exists and the Actual response field is still empty. Otherwise, the next target equals the desired completion when a desired completion exists and a resolution target exists and the desired completion is greater than the resolution target. Otherwise the next target is the resolution target when a resolution target exists. In all other cases, the next target is best_effort.

providerNotAccountable (Boolean)

Whether the provider currently indicates not to be accountable.

providerWasNotAccountable (Boolean)

Whether the provider has at any point in time indicated not to be accountable.

request (Request)

The Request field is automatically set to the request for which the affected SLA was generated.

resolutionTargetAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The Resolution target field value is automatically calculated using the date and time in the Started field, the value in Maximum resolution duration field, and the calendar selected in the Support hours field of the affected SLA.

responseTargetAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The Response target field value is automatically calculated using the date and time in the Started field, the value in the Maximum response duration field, and the calendar selected in the Support hours field of the affected SLA.

serviceHours (Calendar)

If the impact of the affected SLA is "Top - Service Down for Several Users", the Service hours field is automatically set to the service hours calendar of the service offering of the related service level agreement.

serviceInstance (ServiceInstance)

The Service instance field is automatically set to the Service Instance that, at the time the affected SLA was created, was selected in the Service instance field of the related service level agreement.

serviceLevelAgreement (ServiceLevelAgreement)

The Service level agreement field is automatically set to the service level agreement that is considered affected.

standardServiceRequest (StandardServiceRequest)

The Standard service request field is automatically set to the standard service request that is linked to the service offering of the service level agreement and which response and resolution targets were used to calculate the responseTargetAt and resolutionTargetAt for the affected SLA.

startedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the clock was started for the calculation of the affected SLA's response and resolution targets and durations.

stoppedClockAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the clock was stopped for the calculation of the affected SLA's response and resolution durations.

stoppedClockDuration (Int)

The Stopped clock duration field value is automatically calculated using the date and time at which the clock was stopped, the date and time at which the clock was started again, the calendar selected in the Support hours field of the affected SLA, and the previous value to which this field was set.

stoppedClockPeriods ([Period!])

A list of time periods between which the clock was stopped for this affected SLA.

supplier (Organization)

The Supplier field is automatically set to the Organization that, at the time the affected SLA was created, was selected in the Service provider field of the related service instance. This field is only filled out, however, if this service provider is an external organization.

supportHours (Calendar)

The Support hours field is automatically set to the support hours Calendar that was selected for the impact level specified above in the service offering of the related service level agreement.

supportTeam (Team)

The Support team field is automatically set to the team that, at the time the affected SLA was created, was selected in the Support team field of the related service instance.

timeZone (TimeZone)

The Time zone field is automatically set to the value that was specified, at the time the affected SLA was created, in the service offering of the related service level agreement.

updatedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time of the last update of the affected SLA. If the affected SLA has no updates it contains the createdAt value.


AffectedSla implements the following interfaces. This means that fragments defined on these interfaces may be used in queries returning a AffectedSla.