AgileBoardColumn Object


The fields in this section list which values can be retrieved when querying AgileBoardColumn records.

account (Account)

The account this record belongs to.

actionType (AgileBoardColumnActionType)

Type of action to perform when an item is added to this column.

agileBoard (AgileBoard)

Agile board the column is part of.

clearMember (Boolean)

Will the assigned person field of the item be cleared when the action type is assign and an item is added to this column?

createdAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time at which the record was created.

dialogType (AgileBoardColumnDialogType)

Type of dialog to open when an item is added to this column.

id (ID!)

Unique identifier of the record.

member (Person)

Person to assign the item to when action type is assign and an item is added to this column.

name (String)

Name of the column.

position (Int)

Relative position of the column.

removeAfter (Int)

Items in this column will be removed from the board if they are not explicitly moved in this many days.

team (Team)

Team to assign the item to when action type is assign and an item is added to this column.

updatedAt (ISO8601Timestamp)

The date and time of the last update of the record. If the record has no updates it contains the createdAt value.

wipLimit (Int)

Work-in-progress limit for the column.


The connection fields in this section allow (paged) access to objects related to a specific AgileBoardColumn record. The actual objects will be in the nodes field of the connection.

items (AgileBoardItemConnection)

Items in this column.

Argument Type Description
after String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.


AgileBoardColumn implements the following interfaces. This means that fragments defined on these interfaces may be used in queries returning a AgileBoardColumn.