Project Task Templates - Assignments API

List all assignments of a project task template

List all assignments of the project task template with a specific ID:

GET /project_task_templates/:id/assignments


Status: 200 OK
    "assignee": {
      "id": 48317,
      "name": "Howard Tanner",
      "account": {
        "id": "widget",
        "name": "Widget International"
    "id": 14752,
    "planned_effort": 60
    "assignee": {
      "id": 49091,
      "name": "Nathan Stadler",
      "account": {
        "id": "widget",
        "name": "Widget International"
    "id": 14753,
    "planned_effort": 60

The response contains these fields by default.

Add an assignment to a project task template

Add an assignment to a project task template with a specific ID.

POST /project_task_templates/:id/assignments

When creating a new assignment for a project task template these fields are available.


Status: 201 Created
  "assignee": {
    "id": 50378,
    "name": "Matt Leach"
  "id": 16093,
  "planned_effort": 180

Update an assignment of a project task template

Update an assignment of a project task template with a specific ID.

PATCH /project_task_templates/:id/assignments/:assignment_id

When updating an existing assignment for a project task template these fields are available.


Status: 200 OK
  "planned_effort": 180,
  "...": "..."

Remove an assignment from a project task template

Remove an assignment with a specific ID from a project task template with a specific ID.

DELETE /project_task_templates/:id/assignments/:assignment_id


Status: 204 No Content

Remove all assignments from a project task template

Remove all assignment from a project task template with a specific ID.

DELETE /project_task_templates/:id/assignments/


Status: 204 No Content


Required reference to Person — The ID of the person who is selected as the assignee for the project task template assignment.
Readonly integer — The unique ID of the project task template assignment.
Optional integer (max 600000) — The Planned effort field is used to enter the number of minutes the assignee is expected to spend working on a project task that was created based on the project task template to which the assignment belongs.