Shop Article Categories API

List shop article categories

List all shop article categories for an account:

GET /shop_article_categories


Status: 200 OK
    "created_at": "2024-01-06T17:00:00-06:00",
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Computers",
    "source": null,
    "sourceID": null,
    "updated_at": "2024-01-06T17:00:00-06:00",
    "nodeID": "..."
    "created_at": "2024-01-06T17:00:00-06:00",
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Desktops",
    "source": null,
    "sourceID": null,
    "updated_at": "2024-01-06T17:00:00-06:00",
    "nodeID": "..."

The response contains these fields by default. Filtering and pagination are available to reduce/limit the collection of shop article categories.

Predefined Filters

The following predefined filters are available:

Collection Fields

By default the following fields will appear in collections of shop article categories:

id sourceID name created_at updated_at

Obtain a different set of fields using the ?fields= parameter.


Filtering is available for the following fields:

id source sourceID name created_at updated_at


By default a collection of shop article categories is sorted ascending by created_at.

The following fields are accepted by the ?sort= parameter:

id source sourceID name created_at updated_at

Get a single shop article category

GET /shop_article_categories/:id


Status: 200 OK
  "attachments": [],
  "created_at": "2024-01-06T17:00:00-06:00",
  "full_description": "This category contains every computer imaginable provided by Widget Data Center. This is your one-stop shop for every device required to make your day productive.",
  "id": 3,
  "name": "Computers",
  "picture_uri": "",
  "short_description": "All computers provided by Widget Data Center.",
  "source": null,
  "sourceID": null,
  "updated_at": "2024-01-06T17:00:00-06:00",
  "localized_full_description": "This category contains every computer imaginable provided by Widget Data Center. This is your one-stop shop for every device required to make your day productive.",
  "localized_name": "Computers",
  "localized_short_description": "All computers provided by Widget Data Center.",
  "nodeID": "..."

The response contains these fields.

Create a shop article category

POST /shop_article_categories

When creating a new shop article category these fields are available.


Status: 201 Created
  "created_at": "...",
  "...": "..."

The response contains all fields of the created shop article category and is similar to the response in Get a single shop article category

Update a shop article category

PATCH /shop_article_categories/:id

When updating a shop article category these fields are available.


Status: 200 OK
  "created_at": "...",
  "...": "..."

The response contains all fields of the updated shop article category and is similar to the response in Get a single shop article category


Readonly datetime — The date and time at which the shop article category was created.
Optional text (max 64KB) — The Full description field is used to enter a description of the shop article category.
Readonly integer — The unique ID of the shop article category.
Required string (max 128) — The Name field is used to enter the name of the shop article category.
Optional string — The hyperlink to the image file for the shop article category.
Optional string (max 200) — The Short description field is used to enter the a plain text short description to promote the shop article category.
Optional string (max 30) - See source
Optional string (max 128) - See source
Readonly datetime — The date and time of the last update of the shop article category. If the shop article category has no updates it contains the created_at value.