Releases API

List releases

List all releases for an account:

GET /releases


Status: 200 OK
    "completion_target_at": "2016-06-14T15:00:00-05:00",
    "status": "implementation",
    "created_at": "2016-04-27T05:24:00-05:00",
    "updated_at": "2016-05-31T18:53:31-05:00",
    "subject": "Automate exchange rate updates in Expense Reporting",
    "id": 294,
    "sourceID": null,
    "completed_at": null,
    "impact": "none"

The response contains these fields by default. Filtering and pagination are available to reduce/limit the collection of releases.

Predefined Filters

The following predefined filters are available:

Collection Fields

By default the following fields will appear in collections of releases:

id sourceID subject impact status completion_target_at completed_at created_at updated_at

Obtain a different set of fields using the ?fields= parameter.


Filtering is available for the following fields:

id source sourceID subject impact status completion_target_at completed_at created_at updated_at


By default a collection of releases is sorted descending by id.

The following fields are accepted by the ?sort= parameter:

id sourceID subject impact status completion_target_at completed_at created_at updated_at


The response is similar to the response in List releases

Get a single release

GET /releases/:id


Status: 200 OK
  "completion_target_at": "2016-06-14T15:00:00-05:00",
  "status": "implementation",
  "created_at": "2016-04-27T05:24:00-05:00",
  "updated_at": "2016-05-31T18:53:31-05:00",
  "subject": "Automate exchange rate updates in Expense Reporting",
  "id": 294,
  "sourceID": null,
  "completed_at": null,
  "impact": "none",
  "completion_reason": null,
  "manager": {
    "id": 53,
    "name": "Frank Watson",
    "account": {
      "id": "widget",
      "name": "Widget International"
  "source": null

The response contains these fields.

Create a release

POST /releases

When creating a new release these fields are available.


Status: 201 Created
  "subject": "...",
  "...": "..."

The response contains all fields of the created release and is similar to the response in Get a single release

Update a release

PATCH /releases/:id

When updating a release these fields are available.


Status: 200 OK
  "subject": "...",
  "...": "..."

The response contains all fields of the updated release and is similar to the response in Get a single release

Archive a release

POST /releases/:id/archive

Moves a given release to the Archive. This action requires the Account Administrator or Directory Administrator role in the account of the release.


Status: 200 OK
  "archived": "true",
  "subject": "...",
  "...": "..."

The response contains all fields of the archived release and is similar to the response in Get a single release

Trash a release

POST /releases/:id/trash

Moves a given release to the Trash. This action requires the Account Administrator or Directory Administrator role in the account of the release.


Status: 200 OK
  "trashed": "true",
  "subject": "...",
  "...": "..."

The response contains all fields of the archived release and is similar to the response in Get a single release

Restore a release

POST /releases/:id/restore

Moves a given release from the Archive or the Trash back into the view of “Completed Releases”. This action requires the Account Administrator or Directory Administrator role in the account of the release.


Status: 200 OK
  "subject": "...",
  "...": "..."

The response contains all fields of the archived release and is similar to the response in Get a single release


Readonly aggregated Attachments
Use Releases - Notes API to get note attachments.
Readonly datetime — The Completed at field is automatically set to the date and time at which the release is set to the status “Completed”.
Readonly enum — The Completion reason field is automatically set based on the completion reason of the release’s workflows. Possible values are:
  • withdrawn: Withdrawn - Withdrawn by Requester
  • rejected: Rejected - Rejected by Approver
  • rolled_back: Rolled Back - Original Environment Restored
  • failed: Failed - No Requirements Met
  • partial: Partial - Not All Requirements Met
  • disruptive: Disruptive - Caused Service Disruption
  • complete: Complete - All Requirements Met
Readonly datetime — The Completion target field shows the target date and time of the last task of the workflows that are related to the release.
Readonly datetime — The date and time at which the release was created.
Optional custom fields — Custom fields provided in JSON format by the UI Extension that is linked to the release.
Writeonly attachments The attachments used in Custom fields.
Readonly integer — The unique ID of the release.
Readonly enum — The Impact field shows the maximum impact level that is selected in the tasks of the workflows that are related to the release. This indicates the maximum extent to which a “service instance”:/help/service_instance will be impacted by the implementation of the release. Possible values are:
  • none: None - Service Not Degraded
  • low: Low - Service Degraded for One User
  • medium: Medium - Service Down for One User
  • high: High - Service Degraded for Several Users
  • top: Top - Service Down for Several Users
Required reference to Person, default: authenticated person — The Manager field is used to select the Person who is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the release. The person must have the release Manager role.
Optional text (max 64KB) — The Note field is used to provide a high-level description of the result that should be accomplished by the implementation of the release’s workflows. It is also used to add any information that could prove useful for anyone affected by the release.

The Note field cannot be specified in the ?fields= parameter.

Writeonly attachments The attachments used in the Note field.
Optional string (max 30) - See source
Optional string (max 128) - See source
Readonly enum — The Status field is automatically set based on the status of the release’s workflows. Possible values are:
  • registered: Registered
  • risk_and_impact: Risk & Impact — deprecated: replaced by in_progress
  • approval: Approval — deprecated: replaced replaced by in_progress
  • implementation: Implementation — deprecated: replaced by in_progress
  • in_progress: In Progress
  • progress_halted: Progress Halted
  • completed: Completed
Required string (max 255) — The Subject field is used to enter a short description of the objective of the release.
Readonly reference to UI Extension — The UI extension field indicates the UI extension that is applied to the release.
Readonly datetime — The date and time of the last update of the release. If the release has no updates it contains the created_at value.